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  • The price of artificial turf can be affected by a variety of factors, including product type, size, quality, and more. You can contact our sales manager and provide your specific needs to get a customized quotation.

  • Yes, artificial turf is generally suitable for pets. They have a hard-wearing surface that's easy to clean, and pet waste cleans up easily. In addition, artificial turf is also resistant to pet occupation and some common pet damage.

  • Artificial turf is usually made of recycled materials, such as a variety or varieties. They require less water and use less chemical fertilizers and pesticides than natural lawns. In addition, the consumption of artificial turf reduces the consumption of natural resources.

  • Artificial turf requires less maintenance than natural turf. They require no pruning, watering or fertilizing. Only a few routine maintenance activities are required including cleaning and removing weeds or litter. Specific maintenance requirements will vary depending on product type and usage.

  • The warranty of artificial turf usually depends on several factors, such as the environment, frequency and method of use. In general, high-quality artificial turf can be used for more than 10 years, but the specific consumption will vary according to specific uses.